Pocket knife aficionados should definitely have a quality OTF knife in their arsenal. They’re discreet, fast, light, and highly effective tools for self-defense and EDC. But, what is the best out the front automatic knife? Keep reading, and you’ll be given ...

Let’s face it. For a woman, walking home alone in the dark of the night can bring on uneasy feelings. For some, it’s a terrifying thing, even. Strangers on the bus staring you up and down, men leering as you ...

A single arm, desperately begging to be rescued from a vat of gooey sand.  Moments later, it disappears along with the rest of the body it belongs to.    The villain has been defeated.  You’ve watched this quicksand death scene play ...

Picture this.  Giant ocean waves engulf entire towns and skyscrapers, leveling everything in their path as helpless people look on, awaiting their impending doom. You’ve seen it in every movie made about the apocalypse ever. Bet the thought of it ...

Ever wondered what the inside of a tornado looks like? We imagine getting sucked into one won’t take you to Narnia, but you’d be transported to the next state at warp speed.  Beats an Uber, don’t you think? Jokes aside, ...

If you’ve ever read an article about prepping before, you’ve likely come across the acronym SHTF and know that it stands for Shit Hits the Fan.  But what really is SHTF beyond the literal sense?  To help you grasp the ...

Nuclear fallout. The Black Death 2.0. A horde of hungry zombies clambering for your supplies. You know what can protect you from all three? An underground bunker. Underground bunkers (sometimes called bomb shelters, fallout shelters, or survival bunkers) are fool-proof ...

Dreaming of a simple, more self-sufficient life?   You’re not alone. With the world becoming more chaotic every day, more folks crave moving away from the fast-paced, consumerist society and being closer to nature.   But only a lucky few can afford ...

Picture this. Communication lines are down, buildings are toppled over, roads are blocked, and crazed folks are looting supermarkets in your neighborhood. At home, the power’s out, your stomach’s growling, and your thirst is gnawing at you like a pitbull ...

Ever dreamt of sipping cocktails while sailing on a yacht? Or getting on a cruise ship and hopping from one destination to another?  Better brush up on your survival skills first before tossing all your savings to sail the seas.  ...